Are You the Right Kind of Hot?

 Hi there!

The heat of summer is in full effect. And here at DRMTM, we’ve been pondering what it means to be “hot.”

We all want to be hot as in “trending,” “in the spotlight,” or “commanding attention.” Not the way many of us are feeling right now — “a sticky mess.”

Cooler days are just around the corner — and so is the fourth quarter of the year. It’s the perfect time to consider a rebrand or refresh in 2023 that will take your arts and culture organization from “hot” (miserable) to “hot” (awesome).

But how do you know whether a rebrand or a refresh is the right step?

You need a rebrand if:

Your current logo, visuals, and messaging no longer reflect your vision and values, don’t connect with your community, or are cluttered with complexity

You need a refresh if:

You retain trust and recognition in your brand, but it could better reflect your purpose, strengthen bonds and communication with the community, or affirm the value your arts and culture organization offers

DRMTM’s unique and effective process helps you determine the best course of action to ensure you’re “hot” in the best possible way. Our work is rooted in research and assessment and creates brands that stand out and make a lasting, positive impact.

We’re here to help you reimagine your arts and culture brand into one that builds organizational capacity along with believers. Now that’s HOT.

Got questions or want to know more? Click here to sign up now for our free Happy Half Hour consultation to plan your rebrand or refresh in 2023.

Yours in brand building,


The Silver Lining / Volume 25: we love our word clouds

Opening night nerves have never run so high. Returning to the arts stage after so much time away (and under an ongoing public pandemic) carries an intense level of expectation for an engaging but safe experience. For both audiences and performers, we are eager, excited and riddled with anxiety all at the same time.

After 588 dark days, UMS (University Musical Society) of Ann Arbor, MI shared news about their recent opening night calling it “unforgettable” and “a night to remember.” They asked attendees: what words best described how the experience of being back at a live event made you feel?

Now, the DRMTM loves us some juicy, flavorful terms and this little cloud is full of word candy. Besides the obvious biggies like happy and excited  — and empathizing with a few uneasy returners — there is true treasure here. Words like humanized, home, overjoyed, reborn, liberated, uplifted and transported describe what the arts really deliver.

In our DRMTM workshop we ask organizations, “what do you do? what do you really do?” The answer: it’s not managing collections, giving tours or offering performances.

It’s sharing your higher purpose —  like creating transcendent experiences, forming community, connecting and healing through art, or carving space for everyone to belong.

The UMS word cloud proves it. We recommend asking your audiences what it feels like to be back, then chow down on that tasty word burger covered in your extra special sauce. There’s nothing like comfort food to ease any remaining anxiety.

WYT/Worth Your Time

American Decay, the new book by photographer Bryan Sansivero, continues his exploration of the art of America’s abandoned houses. Capturing life, death, sadness and beauty, these works of art are unusually spellbinding.



Historic sites have long counted on events and celebrations to supplement budgets and care for historic museums and properties. Now plantation weddings and celebrations at sites of enslavement are being reconsidered for good reason. The National Trust for Historic Preservation just issued a new six-part series on the subject. “Reconsidering Celebrations at Sites of Enslavement” explores the history of places of enslavement and recent efforts taken by the National Trust to ethically steward and interpret those sites for visitors. Explore the entrenched meaning behind these places and how the historic preservation field continues to address the challenges of presenting the full story.


Does your brand say what you really do? We ask all the right questions to develop your bold, compelling brand. Just email Your next word cloud can be filled with flavorful words, too!

Never settle,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.

The Silver Lining / Volume 24: vax art

DRMTM is getting ready for The Women’s March this Saturday and deciding what t-shirt to wear and how to design our posters. It’s a good thing we’re okay at writing words and drawing things. Last year in The Silver Lining we highlighted some protest art and were overwhelmed by the outpouring of artistic creativity, both humorous and solemn.

This year, the same goes for vaccination art. Haven’t seen it yet? Do a Google image search. Wow. Most of it is really positive, inspiring and incredibly uplifting. Yet again reinforcing the fact that art heals — physically, emotionally and communally.

WYT/Worth Your Time

The Vaccine Confidence Arts Response Repository

Developed by the University of Florida Center for Arts in Medicine, this resource is an open-access collection of recent or current projects, organizations and professionals using arts and culture-based approaches to promote COVID-19 vaccine confidence and uptake.


A nonprofit design lab that builds art and media experiments to amplify the most important movements of our times, has joined in on efforts to promote COVID-19 vaccination uptake.


California’s laid-off lunch lady turned street artist: “Soon, she realized that her identity – white, female, approaching middle-age – afforded her ‘the privilege of being invisible… I don’t think anyone’s looking at me like I’m doing anything wrong.’ She bulk-ordered wallpaper paste and headed out in broad daylight.”


THE CDC. You heard us, the CDC. And not for the usual reasons, like daily avoiding vertigo from the dizzying job of keeping their Tidy-Bowl boat afloat in the toilet of science v. politics.

The Centers for Disease Control recognize the power of art to move communities, hence its amazing effort, How to Engage the Arts to Build COVID-19 Vaccine Confidence. Get every person you know in public health care and communications to download this guide for partnering with local artists and culture-bearers.

Click here for the CDC COVID-19 Guide.


Do you have Brand Confidence? Get your shot. Just email It’s painless and you’re serving humanity by being your best.

Let’s do it,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.

The Silver Lining / Volume 23: free florida!

Hey there. Back yonder we began this blog to (a) lift the collective spirits of arts and culture colleagues when the virus that still shall not be named put us in lockdown, and (b) recognize all the amazing bold arts brands out there changing the world as the world is changing. We almost turned a corner and started talking about more “normal” things again, but we never really emerged; maybe we actually re-submerged. The quagmire of loss, confusion, irritation, and honest to God anger is as swampy as the Everglades where the pythons live. And we know about this, because as you all know, we dwell in Florida — the hot bed of hot mess.

Only one of our team was born and raised here. Two are transplants from Maryland and Montana. They both followed their parents here who were drawn down, down, down by the sun and lack of a state tax. And drinks in coconuts. Really, Florida is the melting pot within the melting pot. We’ve got all kinds here, which means our culture — and our art — is incredibly diverse and rich. It runs from the Greek sponge divers of the Tarpon Springs Heritage Museum to the Miami City Ballet to the City of Fort Walton Beach Indian Temple Mound Museum, one of the finest collections of Southeastern Native American artifacts you’ll ever lay eyes on.

We also have culture wars here, played out in our politics and urban v. rural attitudes that captivate worldwide attention. We know the rest of you SMH at us but watch for the next news alert to throw out another “Florida man loses two toes to giant green iguana” story. We understand. It’s like reality TV. It makes you feel better about your own crazy stuff. We just ask you to judge us by our art, not our legislators.

Last thing today (don’t worry, we’ll never stop talking about Florida) and we’ll end this with a laugh because song lyrics are art too, amiright? A local school district superintendent didn’t make it two weeks before his first public apology. Now, the man’s had a lot to deal with on the virus that still shall not be named issue running rampant in the 10th largest district in the nation. He’s probably a little punchy. So, he pulled out a Warren Zevon line when questioned what our community could do to support him. Get this answer: “Send Lawyers, Guns and Money.” Props that he went there with Warren even if folks weren’t laughing. But if that doesn’t paint a portrait of Florida as colorful as the royal poincianas painted by our roadside heroes The Highwaymen, it’s gotta be close. Free us, don’t free us. We’re happy to entertain.

Below from The Highwaymen: Wheeler, Charles “Chico”, American, born 1946

Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, Gift of Robert and Flory Kahn in memory of Wolf and Tybe Kahn


AASLH/AMA is about to land in Little Rock, AK for its annual meeting next month. The American Association for State and Local History is a bedrock organization for museum professionals, assuring the leadership, support and resources needed to advance the field.

In its registration email recently, AASLH promised its participants a provocative experience in the historic city of Little Rock, but we were just as impressed with AASLH’s bold pre-con setting of other expectations:

“Let’s make plans to travel and convene safely. Let’s experience the history of Little Rock, and our nation, at the intersection of justice and injustice. Let’s challenge the status quo of our profession and get inspired with a renewed passion for telling all of America’s history. Let’s commit to a better understanding of the difficult but essential road to bring justice to history.”

Mic drop. Rearrange your calendars now to be there September 22 – 25.


Is your brand mic-drop-worthy? Suitable for framing? Say Up on all the conversations and always ready to help you break through.

Let’s have a meeting on the beach,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.

The Silver Lining / Volume 22: wtf has many meanings


We love this acronym, as much as we don’t like acronyms in general, because, jargon. But this one really gets the job done whether you are excited, confused, annoyed, angry or really happy. And it’s mostly SFW, similar to its partner, AF, which DRMTM actually uses in our professional messaging, because, audience! (And no, our name isn’t an acronym. It just doesn’t have vowels.)

Somehow society morphed the use of the “f” word from being strictly mean and repulsive to being a word, when used with “what the,” that conveys something extremely cool, strong, questionable or horrendous — add your own list of adjectives here. They go on and on. It’s the emphasis and accent that you place on the “f” that makes all the difference. You know what we’re talking about here. Say it slowly with a question mark on the end. W   T    F  ?

What once was a salacious and profane word is now pretty mainstream. Not that you want to hear the non-acronym version rolling off the tongue of your six-year-old, but we can tell you that as far as our own kids, hearing “wtf, mom,” raised no alarms, and got a hearty reply of “wtf, kid,” and perfectly captured whatever we were trying to say to each other, no matter the issue.

Our grandmas might still object on some levels, but we think they actually get it. Now they can say the “f” word in public, too. As in my older neighbor lady (who is always proper and genteel) stating her dissatisfaction over the current level of unvaccinated people in our state: “WTF is wrong with Florida?” Well said, neighbor lady, well said.



WTF also means Wolf Trap Foundation. The only national park devoted to the performing arts, Wolf Trap is nestled in the grand outdoors of the DC area and is reveling in the live audience experience once more. As stated in this recent news clip, “the most noteworthy sound wasn’t heard until the music stopped. The audience had finally returned.” Wishing you all the best as your audiences return.


Is your brand expressing wtf in a good way or a bad way? Say hello@thedrmtm.comLive audience ready and the best at what we do.

WTF as in “wow!”,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.

The Silver Lining / Volume 21: the art and legend of lilly

July 4th weekend is coming up, the nation is in a heat wave, and it’s 8,000% humidity outside right now. To know what that feels like, imagine stepping out of a hot shower and putting your clothes on without drying off first. Gross. It’s kinda nice to know there are other places hotter than South Florida right now (like Portland??!!), but we also wouldn’t wish that on our worst enemy.

Speaking of things that happen in the heat of the heat: the number of typically demure women going commando is rising as high as the red mercury in the outdoor thermometer. We blame Lilly Pulitzer, famous for bold colorful design and going without underneath. It all got started when she opened a juice stand on Palm Beach and needed a uniform that covered up all the citrus stains. She took some knockout fabric to her seamstress to turn into a shift dress, and a legendary style was born. Lilly’s school chum Jackie Kennedy would make it legit famous. The bonus of having the dress fully lined meant no undergarments required, which on days like today, makes things a little cooler.


We hope you enjoyed some PRIDE this month! Keep standing with the LGBTQ+ community even though June is over. RAINBOWS FOREVER. If you didn’t have a chance to join a local celebration, there are still can’t-miss art exhibitions going on through the summer, with several currently online. Thank you to museums, galleries and the web for sharing gay liberation through the arts. Check out current exhibitions at and start with the online tribute to photographer Leonard Fink’s work of the NY movement, who documented West Village life and culture from 1967 to his death in 1992.


Is your brand in need of liberation? We’re right here at Fully vaccinated, EDI, and best of all, the best at what we do.

Clear skies ahead,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.