The Silver Lining / Volume 17: Black History & OF/BY/FOR/ALL

Happy 45th Anniversary, Black History Month! It used to be just a week. But when something is awesome, you want to have it around longer to celebrate. Black history is American history, so let’s be sure we’re learning and celebrating all year long! We want to throw some love at Netflix, HBO, and others for providing curated collections of the Black experience on film, a favorite (and IMHO, under-appreciated) artform.


We love Nina Simone. Her legend is a bold, beautiful portrait in truth-telling and change. We can only imagine what her artful song and activist voice would have to say about our present world.

Now meet Nina Simon. Not related by family or name, but Simon is to museums what Simone is to civil rights. Nina Simon is an arts and culture thought-leader and doer helping museums check their egos and motives at the front door – then knock it down and invite the community in. Read about this real-time revolution at OF/BY/FOR ALL and YouTube her TEDx Talks. Your job just got woke.


Missing date night? Or you might feel like you’ve been on one looonnng nightmarish date and need to mix it up? Either way, Chandler Museum AZ has you covered with their Museum in a Box: Date Night Edition. Check this out:

Sweat and Spar: Boxing Fun for Two

Ready for a date night that packs a punch? DRMTM: Yes, we’re definitely ready to punch someone. Don’t worry about your fitness level, grab your partner and step in the ring. Fitness?

Round 1: Duke it out with your partner in a series of jump rope challenges. Whaaaat?
Round 2: Find out who can talk the talk. No question.
Round 3: Weigh in on issues that matter with conversation cards centered on the exhibition Bigger than Boxing: Zora Folley and the 1967 Heavyweight Title. Something older than we are.
Round 4: Take a breather by expressing your artistic side, boxing style. This box also includes movie suggestions, drink recipes, and a sweet treat. Now you’re talkin’!



Wanna own your brand like a bad a**? Get bold with your message? We LOVE talking shop. This is the ultimate brand-building hang out. No sales allowed. EVERY FRIDAY 3 to 3:30 PM EST.

Join us on Zoom by clicking HERE. Passcode: DRMTM

FREE SWAG tossed out in random fashion! See you there.

Keep on DRMing,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.