Boards, Plans and Arts Brands (oh my)

Dear Dreamers and Doers,

Our team was asked a great question from an arts organization recently and we just had to share it with you.

“Dear DRMTM – it’s time to renew our strategic plan. Is this a good time to work on our brand, too?”

Actually, YES.

Strategic planning can be a perfect time to review, refresh or rebrand.
Strategic planning affords an incredible opportunity to consider the power and capacity of your brand to support your organizational goals. It energizes the board and staff to embrace your brand at the center of your purpose (fave word 2023), communications and impact.

Branding during planning can also get imperfect results if not done properly.
Branding work during strategic planning also needs to be “planned” ahead of planning so the right amount of time and thought can go into creating an informed, cohesive and meaningful brand. At DRMTM we *heart* strategic planning consultants, but we don’t know any who are branding experts. Neither are boards. Just because the by-laws state branding is a board activity doesn’t mean they should be in charge of designing your logo or writing your mission statement and tagline. But believe it or not, we see this happening all the time.

How to make branding during strategic planning even more successful.
It’s important to hire a branding team who knows how to work closely with your planning consultant to share information, goals and strategies to strengthen your objectives — and one that can design a team of board and staff to lead the creative journey with success. Branding is a deep and distinct process, that woven into plan development enriches every aspect of your mission and operations.

So glad we could explore this great question with you. We’re pouring another round of coffee and are ready for more questions. Keep ‘em coming! Reach out to us or LinkedIn.

Here’s to making a plan,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl