The Silver Lining / Volume 20: come what may

Come what may, we will forever remember George Floyd and honor the life he sacrificed to move justice forward. We will not grow tired, apathetic, or passive in our duty to realize liberty and justice for all in America.


Or like, “Come What? May!!”

Magnificent, beautiful May. That time of life-giving warm sun and fragrant fresh air that too quickly turns to 100 degrees of hot terror, humidity, and damp-clinging clothing. May was always a month to love, but did you, by chance, see the film Midsommar? May has never been the same.

The picture in my mind of sweet little kids in white linen tripping around the pretty Maypole [hold up, did anybody really do this? not in my hometown] ran away screaming with my unresolved and dashed dreams of never being crowned May Queen. You can have that shiz.

So besides making May scary, the Midsommar May Queen inspired some GLORIOUS ART. People really took to this genre. Just Google “midsommar may queen” and see what comes up. So much art there you can buy a costume or get it on a t-shirt. Just watch your allergies. Here’s a quick peek (art is hyperlinked to credits). We just ordered the color by number coloring book on Amazon.



Fayetteville, AR, that’s who. They’ve got TheatreSquared. DRMTM fell in love with this bold brand and cultural landmark of a building, which invites the community to be inspired by the art of every angle and aspect in its architecture. Your heart beats heavy just watching this video. Besides sheer beauty, inspiration is derived from a brand that encourages its patrons to “give through, not to” the mission by intimate involvement in the dreams and destiny of a true community art resource. This, we’ve got to see. CAN’T WAIT TO VISIT.


Is your brand ready for the reformation? We’re right here at Fully vaccinated, serious fun, and best of all, the best in the business.

Clear skies ahead,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.