Dear Dreamers and Doers,

THANK YOU for the awesome response to last month’s #1 Brand Truth, Connect the community to your CAUSE, not your programs. Many of you wrote back to let us know that one really hit home and prompted plans to refocus your message. Dream. Come. True.

If you’re new to this series, we’re presenting DRMTM’s ten Bold Brand truths as discussed in our signature workshops. This list is based on years of learning people’s habits about giving their time and money. These truths not only build your brand but build CAPACITY.

What’s the #2 tried and true truth of a bold arts and culture brand?Your brand is not about you – it’s about THEM.

Yup. That’s right. As much as your brand is built to capture your raison d’être, your real reason for existing is for your community. So everything we as nonprofit cultural organizations do is for and about them. At least that’s the way it should be. We live to serve.

And guess what. You are what THEY think you are. It doesn’t matter how clever we craft the look and copy, how much we post on social, or how many impressions we gain from media —  if our mission and message don’t resonate, we create a communications wasteland of lost opportunity. Our friend Brian Sooy, in his book Raise Your Voice – A Cause Manifesto, says “your cause truly becomes meaningful when your audience says it does, and not a moment earlier.” So we may love our really sick logo, but if it doesn’t connect with them, we’re caput.

Here’s your word to remember: RELEVANCE. It’s why great brands speak the language of their people and give them what they need. Attaining relevance in the minds and hearts of an audience is the greatest sign of a brand aligned with its purpose and community.

So, how do you know your brand is truly relevant? Our Tips:

  • Only in-depth research can tell us what is in the minds and hearts of our audiences — and our relevance there. So get ready to research.
  • Understanding your external perception begins with internal research. Start there and ask: “How do the people inside my organization perceive our brand?” 
  • Then you have to ask people outside your organization how they perceive your brand. The magic of this research allows you to compare internal perceptions against external perceptions to identify gaps in alignment. 
  • The gaps tell you where things are off, and where to get to work.

And guess what else. DRMTM can guide this research and take you through an in-depth Relevancy Evaluation. Email to get your free consultation on the calendar!

20% OFF FOR OUR READERS! Mention code SILVER LINING to get your discount on a DRMTM Relevancy Evaluation.

Here’s to a Bold, Relevant Raison d’être,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl