Dear Dreamers and Doers,

Let’s get down to it. 

When our team is on the road teaching, we start every session with our ten brand truths. They come from decades of learning how people respond to appeals for their time and money. Your brand, if done well, is undeniable in its power to build capacity across every aspect of your organization.

What’s the #1 tried and true truth of a bold arts and culture brand? Connect the community to your CAUSE, not your programs.


Causes connect people to ideals in which they believe or want to belong. The cultural arts connect us to what it means to be human. Your people don’t show up for a program, they come for an experience. They show up to FEEL.

Leading your message with programs and activities can be an endless advertising trap. Lots of organizations offer exhibits and performances. Why should people attend with you?

Your cause tells people why you exist, what you believe in, and how you want to touch the world. Your mission, vision and core values should be packed with purpose, sharing WHY you do this work, which is where it gets meaningful, or ahem, meaningfeel. Your cause creates the critical emotional connection needed for one to identify with YOU for their cultural experiences over another organization.

Programs are important. We’re not dismissing them. But they are secondary to your brand message. Programs can rapidly change. Your mission does not.

So, how do you stop struggling over your message and craft your cause? Our Tips:

  • Impart your higher purpose: ask yourself what you really do without mentioning your programs and describe how you do it differently. Hint: It’s not ticket sales, galas, giving tours or offering performances. It’s creating transcendent experiences, forming community, connecting and healing through art, or carving space where people belong.
  • Go right now and check your homepage. Is your first message about what’s happening this weekend or is it an invitation into your cultural community?
  • Ask your audiences what they believe is your higher purpose. Why do they care about you? Is there a loyalty bond? Why?

Questioning your brand? We’re here to help. Email to get your free consultation on the calendar! We promise it’s fun and painless.

20% OFF FOR OUR READERS! Ask about our Bold Brand Assessment if you want to know where your brand currently stands.

Here’s to being a Bold Brand Rebel With A Cause,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl