#10 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear DRMRS and Doers,

Can you believe we’ve reached our final Bold Brand truth? What a journey it’s been exploring these fundamental principles together. We’ve saved one of our most powerful insights for last – one that cuts to the heart of why people truly connect with arts and culture organizations.

Here’s #10 on our list of Bold Brand truths:

People join causes that reflect who they are, who they want to be, or how they want to be perceived.

Think about the last time you shared a social media post about attending a premiere performance, or proudly displayed your museum member tote bag, or mentioned serving on a theater’s board of directors. What motivated that share? That display? That mention?

Let’s be honest – we’re all painting a picture of ourselves through our choices and associations. And that’s okay – it’s fundamentally human.

Here’s the fascinating truth: When people choose to support an arts organization, they’re not just buying a ticket or making a donation. They’re making a statement about their values, their cultural awareness, or their community involvement. They’re saying, “This is who I am” or “This is who I aspire to be.”

Remember our very first Brand Truth about connecting community to your cause, not your programs? This is exactly why that principle is so powerful. Nobody buys into your mission because they desperately want to attend your quarterly board meetings (well, maybe a few!). They join because supporting avant-garde theater makes them feel culturally adventurous. They donate because being a patron of the arts aligns with their self-image as a community leader. They volunteer because they want to be seen as someone who gives back. They show up because you provide a place for them to feel elevated and artistic, and they like the perks!

This insight completely transforms how we should approach our messaging:

  • Stop the “we” parade: Instead of “We present groundbreaking contemporary dance,” try “Discover your adventurous spirit through boundary-pushing performance.”
  • Paint the picture: Rather than listing program features, show how participation enriches lives and shapes identities: “Join the cultural pioneers shaping our city’s artistic future.”
  • Create belonging: Instead of “Support our youth orchestra,” try “Be the spark that ignites the next generation of musical brilliance.”

Start by asking these amazing questions. Expand beyond your usual suspects for extra-insightful answers:

  1. What does association with your organization say about someone?
  2. What aspirational identity does your cultural cause offer?
  3. How do your current supporters want to be perceived?
  4. What community status or recognition comes with different levels of engagement?

Combine Identity + Impact

The most powerful messaging (and fundraising!) connects personal identity with meaningful impact. For example:

  • “Visionaries like you understand that art changes lives…”
  • “Join fellow cultural champions in making our city a beacon for creative expression…”
  • “Be remembered as someone who helped transform our historic theater into a contemporary masterpiece…”

Remember: This isn’t about manipulation – it’s about recognition. People genuinely want to support meaningful causes. Our job is to help them see how their personal values and aspirations align with our missions.

Ready to reimagine your messaging through the motivation lens? Here’s your quick action plan:

  • Audit your current communications: How often do you lead with “we” statements versus “you” invitations?
  • Map your identity offerings: What different types of involvement or support speak to different personal aspirations?
  • Craft messages that mirror: Help people see themselves – or their ideal selves – in your cause.

Struggling to shift from “we” to “them”? Reach out to DRMTM at hello@thedrmtm.com for a free chat to transform your brand approach.

Here’s to Reflecting Your Best Self,

Surale, Laura + Cheryl

P.S. We’ll conclude this series in December with a summary and goal plan for 2025 to adopt the DRMTM Bold Brand truths! For now, we’d love to hear which truth resonated most with you and your organization. Drop us a line and let us know!