2025: The Year Your Brand Goes Bold

Dear DRMRS and Doers, Welcome to 2025! While folks are still busy making (and breaking) their New Year's resolutions, we're declaring something bigger: 2025 is officially The Year of the Bold Brand. Why? Because playing it safe is so 2024. And if you’re not updating...

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Hearing The Voice of Chorus America

Chorus America Collab is a Dream Come True Dear DRMRS and Doers, When Chorus America invited DRMTM to share our branding wisdom in their award-winning publication, The Voice, we couldn't help but sing from the rooftops! From presenting at their Atlanta conference to...

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Introducing Dr. Kheli Willetts

Have You Been Kheli-fied Yet?​Meet Our Culture Transformation Guru Dear DRMRS and Doers, Real talk: building a bold brand isn't just about killer logos and punchy taglines (though we love those too). It's about creating genuine cultural transformation from the inside...

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#10 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear DRMRS and Doers, Can you believe we've reached our final Bold Brand truth? What a journey it's been exploring these fundamental principles together. We've saved one of our most powerful insights for last – one that cuts to the heart of why people truly connect...

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#9 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear DRMRS and Doers, Welcome back to our journey through DRMTM's Bold Brand Truths. Today, we're tackling #9, and it's a big, sometimes scary one: Accountability Counts. In our exciting field, we love to talk about creating magic, inspiring awe, and transforming...

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#8 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear Dreamers and Doers, Today we’re talking about the Power of One: How Your Arts Brand Can Touch Hearts and Open Wallets. Welcome back to our exploration of DRMTM's Bold Brand Truths. Let’s dive right in on #8: People respond to the needs of one, not many. In the...

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Part 2: #7 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear Dreamers and Doers, It’s great to be back with more insight and impact for building your bold brand! In our earlier post on storytelling this month, we talked about why stories are so vital and compelling to cultural missions. If you missed it, you may catch up...

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#7 Truth of a Bold, Relevant Brand

Dear Dreamers and Doers, Welcome back to our journey through DRMTM's ten Bold Brand truths. We've reached #7, and it's one that resonates deeply throughout human history: Tell a great story. “Let me tell you a story.” When someone begins a sentence this way, there’s a...

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KEEP UP WITH US. We have thoughts. Some serious, mostly not, frequently humorous (at least in our own minds.) We won't bombard your inbox, and we promise to be relevant and not a buzzkill.