Sometimes we need a little change. Maybe not 2020’s kind of change, but we’re all trying to make the best of it. If you didn’t see last spring’s video of little Edward and Annie all gussied up and enjoying a promenade around the Shedd Aquarium outside their glassed-in glacier you missed a real treat. (Here’s the link. We’d never tease you with penguins and not deliver.) The sight of the pair of rockhopper penguins waddling around the visitor’s side of the center reminds us of what we are missing, but also gives us a fresh perspective. We’re happy for E & A’s chance to roam free and safely explore new surroundings while we wait to press our faces to the glass again and escape into their world.

In South Florida, the animals at Busch Wildlife Sanctuary just endured a muggy, lonely summer season. During pre-Covid days, the natives would tend to go off and hide when they tired of the multitude of staring eyes, talk-talk-talking, and weird human smells. But after reopening, the animals are happy – dare we say eager? – to engage with their visiting people. They missed us! Not only has the visitor experience improved, but the animals’ level of happiness did, too. It all seems to say they need some healing and a mental health lift as much as we do. Thank you, zoos, aquariums, and sanctuaries – from all of us.


LIVE ENTERTAINMENT at your dining room table. The Gallo Center of Modesto, CA, is celebrating a sold-out performance: a 500 piece puzzle that keeps the Center in the center of things and is raising some serious coin. Old school fun saves the day again. Can we all steal this idea? On it.


We’ve been hard at work strategizing the best way to raise money in these “wtf times.”  We have a ready-to-go plan for you. It’s not hard and it costs less than you think.

Our Fall Fundraising Package includes EVERYTHING! You’ll get coaching, strategy and deliverables to launch your next campaign.

Time is ticking and our schedule is almost full.  For a full list of deliverables click here and we’ll be in touch right away.

Show us how you’re staying positive and creative. Post your Insta photos with the hashtag #drmtmsilverlining and we’ll share the love.

Keep it DRMY ’til next week,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.