Seen any crazy, creative trends lately? We have! Recent protest signs are some of the most captivating, original and expressive creations around. Authentic. Provocative. Zeitgeist-y. Even more fascinating are some of the sign artists themselves, inspiring other creatives to coin new descriptive words such as “Covidiot.” Hmmmmmm. We can’t wait to see how museums will narrate this point in history in their future exhibitions! 

Rhode Island Governor Gina Raimondo is handling the extended lockdown like a BOSS. Gov. Gina (let’s just call her SuperGirl) initiated #RIArts throughout her land to connect, strengthen and heal its great people. Rhode Islanders are sharing their creativity  and inspiration by posting artwork in the time of Covid on social media with the #RIArts tag. Freaking-fabulous Shepard Fairey (OMG!) joined in, giving RI its own Angel of Hope and Strength. Time to up your art game, Gov. DeSantis.

Answers to last week’s questions:Like us, none of y’all have seen shite in the news about the crumbling arts infrastructure, and it appears you’re cooking at home more than ever! So with that prompt, here’s this week’s question:The refrigerator is, well, ALWAYS right there. Have you gained weight the past six weeks? Click here to answer (C’mon and do it. It’s funny and you don’t have to be truthful. 🙂

Because EVERYONE can bust a damn move when a righteous rhythm calls, check this out. We LOVE this Nebraska state trooper for being willing to do anything for his dancing daughter whose recital was #CoronavirusCancelled. Way to shake some Trooper Tushy, Dad and Hero of our Hearts!

We get it. It’s a weird time for life and work. But eventually, we’re going to get back into a routine with new ways of living and fresh, positive insight. Will you be ready to share your gifts with your communities? DRMTM stands ready to help you evaluate, create (or re-create) and communicate who you are and what you stand for. Contact any of us through our emails below, and schedule a call to discuss what that could look like for your success. Forward!

Show us how you’re staying positive and creative. Post your Insta photos with the hashtag #drmtmsilverlining and we’ll share the love.

Keep it DRMY ’til next week,
Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want