CHEERS, doggonit! Take a moment to celebrate. We broke on through to the other side. We crossed over into the light. Goodbye dumpster fire days of 2020. Although we still see challenges ahead, 2021 is shaping up into quite a year so far. With the streaming video renaissance showing no signs of slowing and vaccines rolling out, why, we’re gonna make it after all. (That’s your cue to throw your cute corona-craft crochet hat into the air. If you don’t get the reference, you’re in the age bracket of “young professional.”)

The DRMTM just got together for goal setting. It boils down basically to “get more done, have more fun.” Now, this seems like a tall order, because we had a lot of fun doing our work last year. But we know we can make it happen, and you can, too. How, pray tell?

  1. Look for breakthrough in all that you do. We’ll stay in touch on this one. It is our 2021 word, after all. Do you have your word of the year?
  2. Stay inspired. Don’t OD on Tik Tok and Bernie memes, rather, keep it balanced. Yours truly will keep it going with great stuff like this from the Dance Theatre of Harlem:


Oh beauty, thou name is Black. We were awestruck by these captivating renderings of beautiful children, Black hair adorned and splendid, captured in the Klimt portrait style by Tawny Chatmon. She states, “Visually, Klimt’s use of gold and decorative elements brought about strong feelings of grace, magnificence, and beauty within me upon my first discovery of his work.” We agree with The Redemption’s ultimate statement: society needs to stop saying Black hair styles are “unacceptable.” We think some folks are just jealous.


Look for us again on 2nd Fridays each month! Coming at you with a new email containing incredible fun and cool offers that won’t waste your time or make you mad like most emails inevitably do (except for Duke Cannon emails – we love them). We have an exciting program announcement to share on February 12th, so open that email, okay? Until then, can you do us a solid and click to answer the question below?

Keep on DRMing,

Surale + Laura + Cheryl
Research + Messaging + Design

If you don’t want different, you don’t want DRMTM.